Draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Stage 1 Consultation

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Consultation has concluded

image of flooding

Caerphilly County Borough Council first published our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFMRS) in 2013. We are now looking to update our Strategy in line with the changes to the national Strategy, new legislation and guidance and lessons learnt over the past 10 years.

Why are we consulting?

Each Local Authority is required to produce a Local Strategy that supports the delivery of the national Aim and Objectives. Caerphilly County borough Council (CCBC) is undertaking a preliminary consultation on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) to obtain the views of residents and stakeholders, in particular, individuals and groups directly affected by or interested in flood risk management.

Ways to give your views

Please complete the survey here.

A copy of the survey and supporting information is also available at your nearest Library.

Mae'r arolwg hwn ar gael yn Gymraeg. Mae ar gael mewn ieithoedd a fformatau eraill ar gais. This survey is available in Welsh. It is available in other languages and formats on request.

Expected Outcomes

Involving stakeholders and residents at an early stage in the development of the strategy will help us to understand their priorities, concerns and aspirations regarding flood risk management. This feedback will help us in drafting our revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and we will consult further on the revised draft in the autumn 2023.

Caerphilly County Borough Council first published our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFMRS) in 2013. We are now looking to update our Strategy in line with the changes to the national Strategy, new legislation and guidance and lessons learnt over the past 10 years.

Why are we consulting?

Each Local Authority is required to produce a Local Strategy that supports the delivery of the national Aim and Objectives. Caerphilly County borough Council (CCBC) is undertaking a preliminary consultation on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) to obtain the views of residents and stakeholders, in particular, individuals and groups directly affected by or interested in flood risk management.

Ways to give your views

Please complete the survey here.

A copy of the survey and supporting information is also available at your nearest Library.

Mae'r arolwg hwn ar gael yn Gymraeg. Mae ar gael mewn ieithoedd a fformatau eraill ar gais. This survey is available in Welsh. It is available in other languages and formats on request.

Expected Outcomes

Involving stakeholders and residents at an early stage in the development of the strategy will help us to understand their priorities, concerns and aspirations regarding flood risk management. This feedback will help us in drafting our revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and we will consult further on the revised draft in the autumn 2023.